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Join the Journey!

Thank you for joining us on our journey, now in progress. Take a look at our posts and pics, currently from Vermont. Niagara Falls will be up shortly.

Prepare for a ride, as we head west tomorrow: Oregon, the Tetons, and Yellowstone (heart’s home!).

Let’s Wander!

Patti and Rowan

7 Responses to Join the Journey!

  1. Devona Pinkous

    Hi guys, I hope you are having a great time and meeting fabulous people.

  2. Susan

    Hi Patti,I met you and Rowan at the Goodwill in Downers Grove!

  3. Jackie

    Amazing travels! Wishing you all the happy times your heart desires…

  4. Mom

    Call or e-mail me so I know you are o.k. I tried to call your home phone yesterday, because I don’t know when you are due to return. The answering program must be full. All I got was a loud buzz.

  5. Lizz

    What a great diary so far! You bring the experience to life for we ‘still sitting still in suburbia’!
    Take great care on the road you two and keep those cards and letters coming! (Even via the blog!) Love trekking alongside of you although NOTHING can compare with being there!

    Loves to you Both and We think of you Daily!
    xoxoxo Lizz, Kim and Kelly

  6. Patti Schaefer

    Sooo glad to have met you! Enjoy the rest of your journey home!

  7. Rowan

    Yeh, Vermont! I love Vermont!


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